My Personal Testimonial
H24 Testimonial
By Pierre Venter
I am 38 years old, and since I can remember I wanted a six
So where to start, Mmmm?
I use to do some sport in school like playing rugby and a
bit of running and that’s it, mostly because I was in the hostel and it was compulsory
to participate in school sport.
I developed a lekka beer belly over time and this then birth
of my quest for a six pack.
It only took me 10 years to start the actual execution of
some plan of action.
I began to challenge myself with all sort of funny
Comrades 2010, finished in 11h26 with great
difficulty. Although I trained for 12 months, I was still overweight and
lacking a lot of stamina.
Freedom challenge 2013. A MTB ride from Durban
to Cape Town 2400km over the Drakensburg in June. Same experience, lacking of
stamina and my knees were suffering a lot, I had to withdraw from the race.
the personal challenges started;
Ever heard of the “6 Pack in 6 weeks challenge”?
I tried it and the results ……..none existed.
I challenged myself to do 4000 push-ups in 6 hours;
I ended up doing 3600 in 6 hours. Still lacking endurance and stamina.
Just before my 4000 push-up challenge I joined Virgin Active
and made use of a personal trainer. The results were phenomenal, with the help
of some supplements off course? Supplements
that worked but (there is always a but) not without any side effects. The
following side effects troubled me for the duration of 4 months;
The biggest one of them all were INSOMNIA,
now, for all the body builders out there, you know exactly what I am referring to
and the frustration is that, as a bodybuilder you need to get your 8 hours of
sleep at night to allow your body to recover. So I ended up using sleeping
tablets to help me sleep.
Due to the lack of sleep I felt drained during
working hours, and the lack of concentration became greater by the
The Pre-Workout was awesome stuff, just a pity
that it only lasted for 45 min and I was not allowed to use it for more than 60
days consecutive (Meaning……..not safe). The downfall was that it created a
feeling in my body that wouldn’t go away, some sort of I am not in
control feeling, freaky stuff.
My appetite went for a loop due to the “Protein
Shakes” that bloated me like n freakin 210L drum and with that the constipation dilemma.
I was still very excited about my results though and ignored
all the red lights flashing in my body. I wasn’t open to any advice regarding
my supplements, for me they worked and that’s all that mattered.
Lets pause there for a while; I knew Herbalife for 7 years
at that stage, on and off with the business, never were to serious about it, my
wife then used the products every day for she suffered from IBS and with the
products, she didn't even know of any IBS. Good stuff!
We were of the business for almost 2 years when I decided, I
need to secure my own future and urn a sustainable income on the sideline. I am
working in the mining industry for almost 20years and the last 5 years showed
me that there is no such thing as job security any more. If you don't build
your own security, you will be doomed.
So two months ago I joined as an “Independent Herbalife
Distributer” solely for the business of it. (I were familiar with there know
H24 range but were too sceptical about it. I mean, my current products were
working MOS, I got the results to show it.)
A good friend of mine once said, “Google is your friend”, absolutely. So I googled the total range. It was exactly what I needed so I thought by myself, if I was to make money from this business, I need to use
the products (Use the products, were the badge and tell the people). I am in
the fitness industry so I need to use the H24 brand for MARKETING purposes.
What a shocker…………I went on the H24 products and it was beyond this universe.
At first I thought it was my mind playing games with me, how could FOOD be
responsible for this! Results?
This is what happened next;
By the 3rd day on the products, I
overslept from 8pm to 6h15am. This in itself was like a new world record to me.
I was overwhelmed, I could sleep again. Waw! Insomnia gone 4 ever.
I had energy……….more than I could handle.
No need for that insane pre-workout any more,
meaning my body became my own again. I was in control again.
My concentration was back with revenge.
My constipation, well do I need to elaborate
in detail on this point? Awesome!
My endurance levels were amazing; it
was like I could go on 4 ever and ever. I even started jogging again just to
proof to myself that I wasn't fooling myself. I still continued breaking my
barriers every week, and this on FOOD.
My appetite is back to normal.
So the proof was in the pudding. Been there, done that, got
the T-Shirt. I am living proof that this is the best supplements out there.
And my latest challenge “My H24 Challenge” (
entitles, running from Lydenburg
(Mpumalanga) to Pretoria (Gauteng) 300km in 6 days. And this solidly because I’ve
got the endurance and the super recovery that will allow me to.
What I’m trying to get to you are: You as an independent,
individual mustn’t deny the fact that that your body is flashing red lights to caution
you. The question here should be, how
much do I care for my body. It’s the only place where you need to spend the
rest of your life in. All it’s asking of you is a little care, and it will do
wanders for you. I am not saying that you must use Herbalife 24 or any other supplements,
I am only asking of you to look after your body and do not ignore the red
lights like I did. Feed your body with good foods and it will thank you for
My body thank me every day by lightning up in the morning and
keeping me energetic right through the day.
The choice is yours. If you need some advice or have any
questions, please inbox me at
Chris and
Michelle Thompson
Before Herbalife, Chris Thompson was an
operations manager in a Fitness Centre in Glasgow Scotland pursuing his dream
of starting his own gym chain. The experience of seeing the difficulties and
risks involved with owning and operating a Gym Business forced him to consider
looking for another opportunity in the Wellness industry and after returning
home he attended a Herbalife Training Seminar and was so excited to find the
type of Business he always wanted. “I had been a very happy customer for around
12 years but never really understood the Business and what the opportunity
truly offered me, the chance to build an income while I developed my future
Michelle was a Professional Model when she
was approached about the Herbalife Opportunity. She was dubious after trying
every diet product on the market with no success. She developed spastic colon
and digestive issues after the non-stop dieting and was scared of using another
product. After her mother got great results she gave the products a try and she
had amazing results with her Skin, Spastic Colon and Weight Loss. After her
results her Business took off and together with her Husband Chris, they are now
enjoying a lifestyle where they work around their family in their own time and earn
between R60,000 – R80,000 per month.
“We are so grateful for this Opportunity
where we can build our families future together every day, spreading the
message of living a different way of life. Good Health and prosperity is available
to all of us through Herbalife, we need to share with all the people we care
about who are struggling with Health, Weight or Financial issues. One Person at
a time we can bring value, purpose and a positive message of living a Healthier
Active Lifestyle”
Letter to Herbalife EMEA, Africa and Southern Africa
Posted by Marco Stassen on November 11, 2012
Posted in: News Feed. Tagged: BIGGEST DREAM EVER, Bizworks, Brett Yeatman, Cape Town, Chris Thompson, Debbie Rich, Debbie Rich Schulze, Decision, Des Walsh, Dr John Heiss, DRSA, EMEA, Extravaganza, Gideon Basson, Herbalife, HERBALIFE PRODUCTS, INSPIRED ME, Jacquie Carter, Jean Thompson, Kelly Yeatman, Leslie Stanford, Mark Hughes, Michael O. Johnson, nutritional, President Team, reward, ROLE MODEL, TAB Team, TABLE MOUNTAIN, THE LEGEND. 3 Comments
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Letter to Herbalife EMEA, Africa and Southern Africa
I really hope and believe that this will reach every single person and department mentioned in this letter.
All I can say before I try to express myself is WOW:
First and foremost I would like to say super thanks to Eddie Heinrich (Managing Director, EMEA region) and his unbelievable team for giving us the first ever African CAPE TOWN EXTRAVAGANZA. Although I have attended quite a few summer spectaculars, LDW’s, STS’ses and HOM’s and this being my second EXTRAVAGANZA I have seriously never experienced something like this.
Dr John Heiss, what I know about the science of any kind is scary but after seeing you and sitting STILL in your training I have never had so much confidence in my life. What a privilege to have had you in our AFRICAN EXTRAVAGANZA. We are so blessed to have you in our company and know that the world definitely have the Ferrari of Sports nutrition.
Jacquie Carter, I have never met a person with more passion for the biggest organ in our bodies. I can tell you that ones you read this and fully understand my story, you would know why I am excited about the complete outer nutrition of Herbalife, especially the NEW ALOE range. I really enjoyed every moment of your training even though I was sitting right at the back of the room. Your information was jaw-dropping and a huge eye-opener.
Des Walsh the President of Herbalife International, I can’t believe that every time I see you I get a new buzz in my thinking. I don’t know where you get the time and the energy to be in so many different regions throughout the year… Only you would know! Of cause, IT’S THE HERBALIFE PRODUCTS. Thanks for making the time to come and see us in Africa AGAIN. We see you with our new African growth next year. Ps: WE ARE BUSY LOOKING AT A BUILDING CLOSE TO TABLE MOUNTAIN FOR THE NEW HERBALIFE INTERNATIONAL’S HQ J. Just try to convince Mr. Michael o Johnson.
To all the UNBELIEVABLE trainers, you made this EXTRAVAGANZA the best event ever in my short time in Herbalife!
Leslie Stanford, in my wildest dreams I could not have imagined this weekend. When I go to church, training or any meeting whatsoever I have to go with an expectation! I normally get what I expect but this was definitely THE BEST EVER EXPERIENCE of my life. I knew that this company called Herbalife was good and I would like to be part of this company. Now I KNOW that the company called HERBALIFE is not only secure, growing and definitely the no 1 company in the world, I know that I know that this is the company that is going to help me to achieve everything I ever dreamed of. I really thought that I have heard everything, but, and this is a huge BUT, “DID I BELIEVE EVERYTHING I HEARD BEFORE”. The answer is no. No one can motivate me but I can say for sure that people and their stories can inspire me. I really thought that I sacrificed a lot of my time for this weekend and came to the conclusion that the time I have sacrificed means nothing if I think about the people that stayed in the race with our “PROUD TO SAY” founder Mark “THE LEGEND” Hughes. Thanks for fighting the battles and laying the foundation of our company. But please I would like to make myself very clear, THANKS FOR BELIEVING IN MARK HUGHES. We really appreciate your time and sacrifice in Africa (CAPE TOWN) South Africa. The ONE thing that I have heard over the years but NEVER understood is, “Decision” I have to make that DECISION WHAT I WANT FROM MY BUSINESS BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE. Now I get it. “DECISION” Thanks, I believe you.
To my sponsor, Mornè and Cecelia Barnard, if you did not recruit and lead me I don’t know if I would still be alive and able to write this letter.
To my President Team up line and mother of my business, Debbie Rich Schulze and her amazing and dynamic husband Andrew, thanks for the believe that you KEEP in me. I have never met anyone that has ever made me feel the way you do. Always welcome and certainly always part of the family, even when I disappear and come back like the lost son. Thanks for thecontinues love and support you always give to me.
Last, but certainly not the least, my dear friend, role model and inspiration Brett and Kelly Yeatman. Since my very first encounter with this company I have made contact with you in a Video “haha VHS” that was given to me by my sponsor, you and Gideon Basson explained the company and I watched that video over and over and over again. Then I went to a very small HOM and there they promoted a guest speaker to come and do a MASTERMIND course. Although I just joined the company and did not want to invest any money “not that I had money’ in my business I immediately invested in the mastermind training. Every time you walk into the auditorium I could feel your energy from a mile away. THANKS FOR BEING THE PERSON, FAMILY MAN, and ROLE MODEL you are. Today you made one thing absolutely clear to me, every person in the world including the president team people go through their own issues. I always thought I was alone. YOU REALLY INSPIRED ME.
To my beautiful wife, Shantell and most amazing two boys Marco and Marcel, I know that some of my decisions in life were not only a disappointment for me but I also disappointed you. I now make a promise that from this day forward things will take a huge turn in our lives. I now also promise that the times that I’m not at home that I will be busy making our dreams come true. Love you all and thanks for ALL the support that I always receive from you.
From my eye, to the Herbalife world.
I had my first Herbalife home presentation given to me in November 2003, at the time I had my own driving school and this was an extremely busy time of the year. I made a decision that this business was not for me and that I won’t have the time to go and see people regarding powders and pills. On the 13th March 2004 I invited Mornè and his family for a braai (barbeque) and the subject came up again. My exact words to Mornè were “How is your powders and pills business going”? Mornè’s responds was: “this is not just a powders and pills business, it’s called HERBALIFE” and thanks, its going great. That was the end of that conversation. As the night went on, Mornè and Cecelia took my wife to one side while I was busy drinking my own nutrition (RUM AND COKE). “Tomorrow when he wakes up make him TWO TEASPOONS of this stuff (THERMO RASPBERRY) in a half a glass of water and make him drink it. How grateful am I today for that conversation with my wife. The following morning as my wife and children got ready for church; she woke me up and told me to drink this stuff. YOU NEVER FIGHT WITH YOUR WIFE AFTER A NUTRITIONAL RUM AND COKE EVENING. I have never taken medicine that tasted this bad, but the consequences were UNBELIEVABLE. My energy was as serious as a heart attack. The rest of that day is history. All I know is that if this stuff (THERMO RASPBERRY) does this to me, imagine what the world would feel like after a two teaspoon shocker. I immediately knew that this was something I can do to make some extra money. I gave Mornè a call and asked him where I can get this Thermo stuff. He told me, to be able to sell this thermo stuff I need to become a distributor. In a very short time I made the commitment to take my LAST R2000 and get myself signed up in the business. One week later I received my IBP and some products. Now the question was, “how do I sell this stuff?” The responds was not exactly what I expected. YOU HAVE TO DRINK IT TO SELL IT. I was not very happy about the answer because this was my last money I had.
So the results started. I was weighing in at 173kg (382 pounds) and had serious health issues. I started using the product and most if not all my nutritional issues cleared and as a bonus I lost 65kg (143 pounds) in 13 months. In this time I started building a nice business and things were looking great. In 2006 the Active World team promotion was launched, myself and two other people were the first people ever to qualify for this promotion and now this business was seriously cooking. 1st of February 2007 I made some bad calculations and I lost my whole down-line. So here we go again, building a new team.
As Brett Yeatman will say”but wait there’s more”. I lost my team in 2008 and again in 2010. Then I decided to just re-qualify as a supervisor for the 50% benefits. At this time I really lost my plot and things in my Herbalife career was in serious trouble. Don’t forget, I still went to the Summer Spectaculars and STS’ses as time went by.
In July of 2011 I recommitted and started again. So from July till November 2011 I recruited 4 brand new supervisors and we all went to the 2011 EXTRAVAGANZA. Things really looked like it was happening this time. After the EXTRAVAGANZA I decided to call my sponsor and also DRSA to make sure what I needed to do as I didn’t want to lose my team again…
At that time Bizworks and DRSA confirmed that all my qualifications were done and I have nothing to worry about. This was before the end of the month and I (we) never took into consideration that at the 1st of next month I am qualifying 1 more supervisor and this completely messed-up the figures. We never took the time to go and look again as I was confident that this was now sorted out. And guess what? 30 Jan 2012 I received a call from my sponsor to let me know that I did not qualify to keep my team. L
NOW I decided to quit…
As time went by I just plotted along and not really showed any interest in the business. All I did from June this year was to help to encourage one of the supervisors that I recruited in last year as I felt obligated towards him. So in October 2012 he qualified as an active supervisor and obviously made me extremely proud. So as a reward towards me, Bennie decided to buy me a ticket for the FIRST EVER CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA, AFRICA EXTRAVAGANZA… and WOW, What a reward.
Even as times are tough and money is few, I know this is my BIGGEST DREAM EVER. Now back from the event and having lots of mixed feelings. Tears running down my cheeks and dynamite excitement I know that I know, THIS HERBALIFE DEAL IS MY DEAL. I now commit to qualify for the LDW in February 2013 and to make this my number one priority. I know that I’m worthy of the Herbalife cause and that I WILL reach the TOP level of our company. I also know that I will be an ambassador for the company and one of my biggest dreams are that this letter can inspire millions of people who have lost their dream.
I thank all my fellow Herbalife colleagues, the staff of Herbalife and the future distributors of this company.
Very special thanks to the TAB Team of Cape Town and a bigger thanks to Chris and Jean Thompson for leading us in Cape Town and always believing in all of us.
To all the distributors who welcomed me back, THANKS TO ALL OF YOU.
God bless all of you
Lots of love
Marco Stassen
PROUD TO SAY 46168766
H24 Performancenutrition
H24 Testimonials
H24 Performancenutrition
H24 Testimonials
Success Stories - Testimonials
"I lost 8 inches around my waist and I feel great!"
Tolis D.
By Tolis D.
By Tolis D.
"During a ski holiday with my wife, I was shocked by the fact that I was the heaviest and most unfit I had ever been in my life. I couldn’t even fit into my ski boots and felt terrible.
I decided to start with the Herbalife Weight Loss Programme and trained regularly. My energy levels soared and the inches started falling off. I dropped a total of 8 inches around my waist and have regained my health and am more fit than I have been in the last 10 years. All along I ate the foods I love and never felt hungry or lacking in energy. And wouldn’t you know it? Next time we went skiing I had ample room in my ski boots for an extra layer of socks!"*
Here's How:
* Never skip breakfast. Start the day with a delicious Formula 1 Shake.
* Eat frequent intelligent meals every 2-3 hours
* Exercise regularly and have FUN!
* Drink plenty of water and take time to rest
* Eat frequent intelligent meals every 2-3 hours
* Exercise regularly and have FUN!
* Drink plenty of water and take time to rest
"I still can’t believe how much these products have improved my life!"
Kim F.
By Kim F.
By Kim F.
"I started seeing 'saddle bags' on my thighs," Kim Frahm recalls. "My size-14 clothes were getting tight. Even my dad was calling me his 'fluffy daughter.' " So Kim decided to take action. "When I saw my dad totally change his body using the Herbalife products," she says, "I agreed to give the programme a try."
"I'm still pinching myself about how much weight I've lost!"
"After my first shake," Kim says, "I was surprised at how full and satisfied I felt. And after my third day on the programme, I actually had the energy–finally–to play with my boys!" Soon Kim's clothes began to fit less snugly, and she went on to go from a size 14+ to a size 4-6. "No more cravings, no more exhaustion–and no more saddle bags!" Kim exclaims. "I still can’t believe how much these products have improved my life!"*
Here's How:
* Have a specific goal in mind.
* Get out there and test your energy; you’ll feel it increasing almost right away.
* Favourites: These delicious Herbalife shakes! They’re as tasty as the junk food I used to crave.
* Get out there and test your energy; you’ll feel it increasing almost right away.
* Favourites: These delicious Herbalife shakes! They’re as tasty as the junk food I used to crave.
"I absolutely love these products and will never stop taking them."
Michelle S.
By Michelle S.
By Michelle S.
Michelle struggled with feeling miserable as a result of being overweight. "I never left the house because I wasn't satisfied with the way I looked," she says. "My self-confidence was very low." Michelle had tried a variety of diets. "I had tried every one out there and failed at them all," she says. "I felt like I had hit a dead end."
"I went from a size 14 to a size 6."
After trying the products, Michelle quickly noticed the positive changes. "The very first day, I felt so much more energy," Michelle recalls. "I lost 35 pounds (2.5 stone) in a few months and people wanted to know what my secret was." Michelle has kept the weight off for one year and half now. "I feel so good," she exclaims. "And I finally have the energy to keep up with my three children!"
"I absolutely love these products and will never stop taking them."*
Here's How:
* Have two shakes a day and stay committed to it.
* Listen to the advice of your Herbalife Coach. They will help guide you toward your goals.
* Listen to the advice of your Herbalife Coach. They will help guide you toward your goals.
"I'm training again
for this year's marathon!" |
Eli A.
By Eli A.
By Eli A.
Eli A. knew he was putting on weight. The self-described “chocoholic” had been giving in to his powerful sweet tooth more and more, and he even started taking naps just to get through the day.
“My wife was really worried about me.”
But the energy boost he felt on the programme was so strong, Eli participated in a marathon a few months later. “Because of a knee injury, I only made it 18 miles,” Eli says. “But considering the shape I was in before, what a great success that was!” Eli went on to drop 44 pounds (3.1 stone), add 10 pounds of muscle and slim his waist from a size 38 to 31. “I’m training again for this year’s marathon!” Eli exclaims.*
Here's How:
• Core Nutrition Programme: Formula 1 shakes, Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex and Fibre &
Herb tablets
• Don’t fight your sweet tooth–enjoy two snacks a day, like Protein Bars.
• Make your shake really delicious by adding frozen raspberries.
• Enjoy great, low-fat snacks–like unsweetened applesauce and nonfat ricotta cheese with vanilla
extract, a pinch of cinnamon and a squeeze of chocolate syrup!
Herb tablets
• Don’t fight your sweet tooth–enjoy two snacks a day, like Protein Bars.
• Make your shake really delicious by adding frozen raspberries.
• Enjoy great, low-fat snacks–like unsweetened applesauce and nonfat ricotta cheese with vanilla
extract, a pinch of cinnamon and a squeeze of chocolate syrup!
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